



Mobile application for clients of the SkyData SkyControl platform.Conduct surveys and / or inspections of your assets. Collect different types of data thanks to the multiple types of questions available, include photos or comments and also automatically generate tickets with specific answers.Create fuel transactions from your assets. We currently have integrations with the companies TERPEL, DELTA (CR and PA) and GASIT that allow us to perform validations against GPS devices.Characteristics:- Asset profiles- Create tickets- See tickets- Complete tasks- Change odometer or hour meter- Respond to form and inspections- Use forms and inspections without an internet connection- Create draft forms or inspections- Timeline of forms or inspections submitted, pending submission or drafts- Create asset fuel transactions- Use fuel module without internet connection- Time line of transactions created- Search for assets by means of QR or barcode codesAvailable questions:- Firm- Satisfaction- Punctuation- Unique Answer- Multiple Response- Multiple response with data- He drew- Yes or no- Pass or Fail- Notification by mail- Table- Traffic lights- Location- Simple (Text, Number, Date, Time, Chronometer, Decimals, etc)